How will my order progress?
From the awarding of the contract to its completion, these are the typical steps to expect:
You send us an enquiry by e-mail, without obligation, giving the basic information, and either the whole text or a representative sample.
We will provide you with an individual quote, and we will clear up any points with you on which we need further information.
You accept our offer by e-mail (paperless transaction).
In the case of new customers in particular, or larger orders, we request full or part-payment in advance.
As soon as we have received confirmation from you, together with any agreed payment, we will fulfil your order within the deadline that was arranged, sending you the completed assignment in the agreed form.
If any queries arise during the course of the editing, we will consult with you.
You check our work and contact us with any queries.
You receive our final invoice and settle the payment, unless this has already been done.
Hopefully, you are happy with the work and will recommend us to others.
This procedure may, of course, vary in individual cases. We aim to adapt ourselves to the needs of every customer and every text. Since each customer and each text is different, there may be circumstances in which another way to proceed would work better.